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He is a digital marketing consultant with 18 years experience delivering amazing ROI to a select group of small business customers.
Leveraging SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, Web Development, and Project Management, he delivers where it matters; your bottom line.

1- Boutique Consulting: Nicolas Gorden runs a small consulting firm that allows him to provide outstanding personalized service. Don’t be just another account.
2- Holistic Digital Marketing: Nicolas will mix and match different types of online marketing techniques to create a strategy for you to face your largest competitors and maximize ROI.
3- SMB Services by and for SMB: Nicolas has owned and operated an online tobacco shop and a web design firm. As such, he offers cost effective solutions that match small business needs.

Case Study: Reduce Facebook Lead Costs by 83%
Discover how a small business used Nicolas Gorden’s services to reduce facebook lead acquisition costs by 83%.

SEO Predictions 2021
Find 7 SEO trends that will BLOW YOUR MING! Find the latest tips and secrets that can help your rankings explode. Free Site Audits Included!

Holistic Online Marketing and Growth Hacking
One of the biggest issues for businesses trying to leverage online marketing: what should be the focus? SEO? PPC? SEM? Social Media? Email? Affiliates? CRO?